I recently suffered from what is known as a "Spontaneous Pneumothorax" or "Collapsed Lung" in layman's terms with no known underlying cause. Actually, I had it happen twice...in 2 weeks...which required surgery for a permanent fix (hopefully) with no further occurance. I had a great doctor who came in the ER during my first hospital ... “THE HUMAN ENGINE!”
We as human beings quite often put much thought and commitment in developing New Year's goals and putting them on paper. Why not driving goals? This special edition of Drivin' With Joe is out early to help you in your thinking for the year. Because, we spend so much time on the road in our ... 2020-The New “Drivin’ You”!
Using your senses-eyes, ears, nose, and feel, could help you to detect a problem early possibly avoiding or minimizing an expensive automobile repair during the Holiday season. Look- Look at your vehicle as you approach it for use. Are there any puddles or spots underneath? Visually inspect the under carriage for leaks or hanging components ... HOLIDAY TRIP TIPS: DON’T MAKE A HO-HO END UP AN OH-NO!
Prologue: Working for the Skip Barber Racing School was a constant learning experience: both from a personal driving standpoint as well as a teaching-to-others standpoint. “What not to do” was sometimes more important than “What to do” and was a constantly evolving experience. As I embark on pursuing another motocross championship in 2019 (the last time ... “5 THINGS I LEARNED WHILE WORKING AT ADVANCED DRIVING SCHOOL!”-A SERIES
Prologue: Working for the Skip Barber Racing School was a constant learning experience: both from a personal driving standpoint as well as a teaching-to-others standpoint. “What not to do” was sometimes more important than “What to do” and was a constantly evolving experience. As I embark on pursuing another motocross championship in 2019 (the last time ... “5 THINGS I LEARNED WHILE WORKING AT ADVANCED DRIVING SCHOOL!”-A SERIES