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(704) 799-0318

Eric Welch

eric welch testimonial 1

"When I broke down in lunchtime traffic in the University area, what were the chances my "GOFAR Guardian" would be that close and available to help?"

I was on my way to an appointment out of town and about to turn from Harris Boulevard onto I-85 when my car stalled, stranding me in the left turn lane, in lunchtime traffic. It was a little stressful to say the least.  After calling the police for assistance, my next call was to Joe.  I told Joe what had happened and he told me to hang tight because he just happened to be a couple of miles away. What were the chances that he would be that close and available in the University area to help?  Before even the police arrived, my GO-FAR guardian pulled up behind me and using his vehicle, pushed me out of traffic to a safer location.  Not only that, but Joe gave me a ride back to my office and then came back later that afternoon to tow my car and take care of the repairs.  Joe’s actions that day were typical of the above and beyond service that he delivers every time I reach out to him.  Anytime I hear someone complaining about their car,

I tell them to call Joe. Thanks Joe and Terri!!

Eric has been part of our GO-FAR family since 2013.


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If you are looking for auto repair in Lake Norman—Mooresville, Cornelius, Davidson and Huntersville NC, then call us today.